
You can also check my Google Scholar profile.


  1. Empirical analysis of Binding Precedent efficiency in the Brazilian Supreme Court via Similar Case Retrieval
    Raphaël Tinarrage, Henrique Ennes, Lucas E. Resck, Lucas T. Gomes, Jean R. Ponciano, and Jorge Poco
    Jul 2024
  2. Exploring the Trade-off Between Model Performance and Explanation Plausibility of Text Classifiers Using Human Rationales
    Lucas Resck, Marcos M. Raimundo, and Jorge Poco
    In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024 . Also presented as a poster at the LatinX in NLP at NAACL 2024 workshop , Jun 2024
  3. MSc thesis
    Balancing performance and explanation plausibility: a multi-objective approach to text classification with human rationales
    Lucas Emanuel Resck Domingues
    Fundação Getulio Vargas , May 2024


  1. Distill n’ Explain: explaining graph neural networks using simple surrogates
    Tamara Pereira, Erik Nascimento, Lucas E. ResckDiego Mesquita, and Amauri Souza
    In Proceedings of The 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics , Apr 2023
  2. LegalVis: Exploring and Inferring Precedent Citations in Legal Documents
    Lucas E. Resck*, Jean R. Ponciano*, Luis Gustavo Nonato, and Jorge Poco
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. Presented at Visualization & Visual Analytics (VIS) 2022 , Jun 2023


  1. BSc thesis
    Inferring and Explaining Potential Citations to Binding Precedents in Brazilian Supreme Court Decisions
    Lucas Emanuel Resck Domingues
    Fundação Getulio Vargas , Dec 2021


  1. Report
    Circuits for Driving Low Power Direct Current Motors
    Lucas Emanuel Resck Domingues, and Júlia Gandini Blahun
    Original title in Portuguese: “Circuitos para Acionamento de Motores de Corrente Contínua de Baixa Potência” , Dec 2018


  1. Report
    Brazilian Robotics Olympiad – OBR’2016, Level II Practical Modality
    Júlia Gandini Blahun, Luiza de Souza Pinto Regina, and Lucas Emanuel Resck Domingues
    Original title in Portuguese: “Olimpíada Brasileira de Robótica – OBR’2016, Modalidade Prática de Nível II” , Dec 2016