Lucas Emanuel Resck

Incoming PhD Student at the University of Cambridge


Fundação Getulio Vargas

190 Praia de Botafogo

Rio de Janeiro 22250


I am an incoming PhD student in Computation, Cognition and Language at the University of Cambridge, where I will be supervised by Prof. Anna Korhonen. I am a recipient of the prestigious Cambridge International Scholarship, funded by the Cambridge Trust, and part of the ELLIS PhD Program.

Currently, I am a researcher at the Visual Data Science Lab at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Since joining the lab in 2020, I have been conducting research in machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), and explainable AI (XAI). I hold an MSc in Mathematical Modeling (2024) and a BSc in Applied Mathematics (2021), both from the School of Applied Mathematics at FGV.

In 2022, I was a visiting researcher at the Vision, Language, and Learning Lab at Rice University, Houston, where I focused on developing research ideas in XAI. Additionally, I have experience applying ML, NLP, XAI, and data visualization techniques to address challenges in the legal domain.

Research interests:

  • Machine Learning (ML)
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Explainable AI (XAI)


Jun 13, 2024 I was accepted to attend the ELLIS Doctoral Symposium 2024, in Paris, in August 2024, with a generous scholarship from G-Research. I will present my NAACL Findings 2024 paper as a poster.
May 14, 2024 My master’s thesis was approved! I now have a Master’s degree in Mathematical Modeling from the School of Applied Mathematics at Fundação Getulio Vargas.
May 6, 2024 I was accepted to participate in the Lisbon Machine Learning School (LxMLS 2024), in July 2024, with a generous scholarship from Google and Zendesk.

selected publications


  1. Exploring the Trade-off Between Model Performance and Explanation Plausibility of Text Classifiers Using Human Rationales
    Lucas Resck, Marcos M. Raimundo, and Jorge Poco
    In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024, Jun 2024
    Also presented as a poster at the LatinX in NLP at NAACL 2024 workshop


  1. Distill n’ Explain: explaining graph neural networks using simple surrogates
    Tamara Pereira, Erik Nascimento, Lucas E. ResckDiego Mesquita, and Amauri Souza
    In Proceedings of The 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Apr 2023
  2. LegalVis: Exploring and Inferring Precedent Citations in Legal Documents
    Lucas E. Resck, Jean R. Ponciano, Luis Gustavo Nonato, and Jorge Poco
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Jun 2023
    Presented at Visualization & Visual Analytics (VIS) 2022