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The ACM RecSys Challenge 2018

In 2018, it was organized the ACM RecSys Challenge 2018, a competition with the goal of playlist continuation. One of the organizators was the Spotify. As described by Chen et al., it was given the competitors a dataset with one milion Spotify playlists alongside a dataset with incomplete ten thousand playlists to be continuated. The Challenge and the published papers served as inspiration for our work.


In 2002, Pauws and Eggen developed PATS: Realization and User Evaluation of an Automatic Playlist Generator, which inspired us in our track-based similairity algorithm. One of the participant groups of the ACM RecSys Challenge 2018, Kelen et al. (2018) inspired us in our playlist-based similarity algorithm. Bonnin and Jannach (2014) gave us an introduction and an overview of the playlist continuation problem. Also was Berenzweig et al. (2003). The baseline was based on the Random Walk based algorithm from Niedek and Vries (2018).