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Baseline model: Random Walk

Based on the article Niedek and Vries

We develop a simpler model, called baseline model, in order to compare our algorithms.

The ideia is to represent the playlist dataset as a bipartite graph. We use multiple random walks over it. The playlist title are used for prefiltering and ranking titles. This is the simplest way to use similarity between tracks.

# Importing libraries 
import pandas as pd 
import numpy as np 

from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from multiprocessing import Pool

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
import glob
import os

Playlist and Tracks Dataframes

Here we get the playlists and the tracks. I get playlists with at least 5 tracks and at minimum 500 tracks, because it's uncommon out of these bounds. We will get only a small part of the users (200) because this is a baseline model, it's pretty simple and it's not optimezed.

# Users Sample   
playlists_df = pd.read_pickle('../data/sp_playlists.pkl')[['owner_id', 'id', 'tracks']]
tracks_df = pd.DataFrame()
for file in tqdm(glob.glob('../data/sp_tracks_ready_*.pkl')):
    a = pd.read_pickle(file)[['id', 'playlist_id', 'artists_ids']]
    a = a[a.playlist_id.isin(playlists_df.playlist_id)]
    tracks_df = pd.concat([tracks_df, a], ignore_index = True)

It will make easier to work with union and intersection in the accuracy metric.

tracks_df = tracks_df[~tracks_df.artists_ids.isnull()] 
tracks_df['artists_ids'] = tracks_df.artists_ids.apply(set)


Bipartite Graph

We build a Bipartite Graph, through a sparse matrix, where the lines are the playlists (like groups) and the columns are the tracks. If the track is in the playlist, we mark 1.

Random Walk

Starting with a playlist, or a sequence of tracks, we can obtain a completation using a random walk with restart. For each song we walk in the graph and count the tracks we passed through. We get the tracks with high counts. The parameter is how many walks we will give, except by a parameter , the probability of restart.

class RandomWalkPlaylists:

    def __init__(self, tracks: pd.DataFrame, playlists: pd.DataFrame): 
        '''Implementation of the Simmilarity Model described above. 
           The metric used are describe in PATS article. 
           - tracks: all the tracks in your world. 
           - playlists: the training playlists.

        self.tracks = tracks
        self.tracks_index = self.tracks[['id']].drop_duplicates('id').reset_index()
        self.playlists = playlists.drop_duplicates().reset_index()

    def fit(self): 

        self.graph = self._build_graph()

    def _build_graph(self): 

        T = len(self.tracks_index)
        P = len(self.playlists)

        graph = lil_matrix((P, T), dtype = int)

        for playlist_id in tqdm(self.playlists.playlist_id): 
            playlist_index = self._get_index({playlist_id}, 'p')
            tracks_ids = self.tracks[self.tracks.playlist_id == playlist_id].id
            indexes = self._get_index(tracks_ids, 't')

            graph[playlist_index, indexes] = -1

        return graph

    def _simple_random_walk(self, graph, track, alpha: float, Nq: int): 
        '''Function to wandom walk given a track.'''
        n = 0
        # counting set
        V = {}       
        while n < Nq: 
            t_curr = track
            n_curr = 0
            N_curr = np.random.geometric(alpha)
            while n_curr < N_curr or n + n_curr < Nq:
                p_curr = self._random_playlist(graph, t_curr)
                n_curr += 1
                if not p_curr:
                t_curr = self._random_track(graph, p_curr)
                if not t_curr: 
                if t_curr in V:  
                    V[t_curr] += 1
                    V[t_curr] = 1
            n += n_curr
        return V

    def multiple_random_walks(self, graph, playlist_not_hidden, alpha: float, N: int):
        '''Function to do random walk for every track. 
            - alpha: probabilitity of restart again in the search. 
            - N: maximum number of operations. 
        query_tracks = self._get_index(, 't')
        n = len(query_tracks)
        if n == 0:
            return None
        Nq = N/n
        V = {}
        for track in query_tracks:
            Vq = self._simple_random_walk(graph, track, alpha, Nq)

        return V

    def predict(self, playlist_not_hidden, alpha: float, N: int, number_of_tracks): 

        V = self.multiple_random_walks(self.graph, playlist_not_hidden, alpha, N)
        if V is None:
            return None
        chosen = sorted(V.items(), key = lambda x: x[1], reverse = True)[0:number_of_tracks]
        chosen = [c[0] for c in chosen]
        chosen_tracks = self._get_object_id(chosen, 't')
        return self.tracks[].drop_duplicates('id')


R-precision metric

As described in their work, Chen et al. suggests a metric for playlist continuation evaluation. They call it R-precision. It measures how many of the real tracks (and their artists) the model suggested correctly.

A playlist as input to the model has two parts: its part on display to the model and it's hidden part. The hidden part is what the model try to predict and is called ground truth.

is the set of unique track IDs from ground truth, that is, the unique hidden tracks. is the suggested tracks from our model. is the set of unique artists IDs from ground truth and is the set of predicted artists. The metric can be interpreted as accuracy (although it can be greater than 1), but giving some score for wrong tracks with right artists.

def accuracy_metric(predicted, true, n, j):

    G_a = set() 
    for artist_id in predicted.artists_ids:
        G_a = G_a.union(artist_id)

    S_a = set()
    for artist_id in true.artists_ids:
        S_a = S_a.union(artist_id)

    ytrue = set(
    yhat = set(

    acc = (len(ytrue & yhat) - j + 0.25*len(S_a & G_a))/(n - j)
    return acc

Training the model

First, I will get playlist_id for train and test. I drop the duplicates cause I'm not interested in playlists with repeated tracks. We will use only a small subset because it's a simple model without optimizations.

tracks_subset = tracks_df.drop_duplicates(['id', 'playlist_id'])
playlists = tracks_subset.drop_duplicates('playlist_id').playlist_id
tracks_subset = tracks_subset[tracks_subset.playlist_id.isin(playlists)]
tv, test = train_test_split(playlists, random_state = 100)
train, validate = train_test_split(tv, random_state = 200)
model = RandomWalkPlaylists(tracks_subset, train)

Using the parameter .

Depending the chosen , the time grows exponencially! I will keep it 1000 because low it performs worst and more than that, the computation is pretty expensive.

alphas = [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]

parameters = [[validate, alpha, 1000, 0.7] for alpha in alphas]

with Pool(4) as pool:
    evaluation = pool.starmap(model.evaluate_model, parameters)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10, 5))
ax.plot(alphas, evaluation)
ax.set_title('Evaluation on the Validation Set')
plt.grid(alpha = 0.5, color = 'grey', linestyle = '--')


Varying the ratio parameter

The ratio parameter indicates how much of the playlist we know before.

alpha_best = alphas[np.argmax(evaluation)]
model_best = RandomWalkPlaylists(tracks_subset, tv)
ratios = [0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9]

parameters = [[test, alpha_best, 1000, ratio] for ratio in ratios]

with Pool(4) as pool:
    evaluation = pool.starmap(model_best.evaluate_model, parameters)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10, 5))
ax.plot(ratios, evaluation)
ax.set_title('Evaluation on the Test Set')
plt.grid(alpha = 0.5, color = 'grey', linestyle = '--')
